It’s our pleasure as the members of this amazing little church to greet you warmly, thank you for visiting our site and make you feel most welcome. We invite you to browse all of what we’re doing as a church family described in the numerous menus above.
Please click on “Events” for our latest news!
It would be our even greater pleasure to meet you in-person any Sunday morning for worship, so please visit with us soon.
If you’re not able to attend in-person, we also live stream the worship service on facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/BFCC.org/live/ So, either way, please join us!
Your Friends at BFCC
Please help us to learn more about how we can serve and/or pray for you. Kindly consider providing us with your contact information so we can get you connected, join our mailing lists, and keep you informed on What’s Happening Here at BFCC. You may update/add to your contact info/preferences at any time HERE: https://beaconfallscongregational.org/site/contact-information-form/

Link to our online Praise & Prayer Request Form: