Church-Wide Revitalization Meeting (SUNDAY, MARCH 30th)

Purpose of these meetings: Establish a regular forum which encourages healthy, open dialogue and feedback related to the changes we have or will undergo throughout BFCC’s Revitalization.  This will provide us with more frequent opportunities to discuss these changes, the theology (or the WHYs) behind them, and provide a forum where folks are encouraged to ask questions that will help each of us to navigate these changes together – we know change is hard, we don’t have to do it alone!

Definition of Church Revitalization: Church Revitalization is the supernatural work of God that restores health & mission in a church (turning it away from decline) by submission to God’s Word, right relationships among members and a renewed commitment to the Great Commission ministry.

PRAY!! Pray for God to open our hearts & minds and be united in bringing forth the changes that will allow us to glorify God through the faithful preaching of His Word, the making of disciples, and reaching the world for Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s will to prevail over our own personal preferences.

Also, Please read the “Anatomy of a Revived Church” book in preparation for this meeting – if you need a copy, we have them available in our Book Cart located in the main entrance near where Chuck greets folks, please take one, FREE OF CHARGE.

This will help everyone to start off on common ground with Revitalization terminology so that we can dive right into the specifics of what REVITALIZATION means for us here at BFCC.