Our most personal world-wide mission. In January of 2006 our church committed to financially and prayerfully sponsor a World Vision Child until their 18th birthday. We joyfully sponsored Abigail (from World Vision’s Casitas Mission in Nicaragua) for 9 years until she moved away from the mission location and out of the program. We then sponsored beautiful Yaneris who, thanks to this wonderful program, now receives clean water, health care, improved nutrition and attends school regularly; in fact her entire village graduated from this program! So, in 2022, we began sponsoring a new child, Diana, who benefits from World Vision’s work in healthcare, education/economic opportunity, emergency response and child rights. All thanks and praise to God for richly blessing us with these sponsoring opportunities!
We receive regular updates from Diana (who lives in Proyecto CESP Pantasma, Nicaragua); it is so wonderful to hear new updates from her and we are also able to send her communications as well.
The cost of sponsorship is $39/month or a total of $468 annually which we pay in July. Please visit World Vision to learn how you too can help a child in need.
Heifer International – One of our most popular missions. “Why give a cup of milk when you can give a cow?” Heifer International’s mission is to work with communities to end hunger through gifts of livestock and training families to improve their nutrition and generate income. In exchange for their livestock and training, families agree to give one of its animal’s offspring to another family in need. But Heifer International isn’t just cows, it’s so much more! To see what our church is doing this year, please visit our Events page. Or visit their website: Heifer International
Operation Christmas Child – An awesome prelude to our Christmas celebration! One of our favorite missions. Our church family support Samaritan’s Purse’s efforts to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. We put together shoe boxes chuck full of toys, gifts, books and goodies to be distributed to needy boys and girls world-wide. In 2010, our church was part of the giving that resulted in over 8 million children in 130 countries receiving shoe boxes! To discover more about this effort, please visit Operation Christmas Child.